Searching for files
Using the Windows Search utility
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For more information about searching
for files and folders, click Start, then click
Help and Support. Type the keyword
searching in the Search box, then click
the arrow.
To find files and folders using the Search utility:
1 Click Start, then click Search. The Search Results window opens. Click All
files and folders.
2 If you want to search by file or folder name, type in all or part of the file
or folder name in the name box in the left pane of the window.
■ If you type all of the name, Search will list all files and folders of
that name.
■ If you type part of the name, Search will list all of the file and folder
names containing the letters you typed.
3 Click Search. When the search is completed, Windows lists the files and
folders whose names contain the text that you searched for.
4 Open a file, folder, or program by double-clicking the name in the list.