Windows controls
3 Click the Settings tab.
4 Click the arrow button to open the Color quality list, then click the color
depth you want.
5 Click OK, then click Yes to save your changes.
Adjusting the screen resolution
You can change the screen resolution to a size you prefer. For example, you can
increase the resolution to fit more icons on your desktop, or you can decrease
the resolution to make reading and identifying objects on the monitor easier.
The higher the resolution, the smaller individual components of the screen
(such as icons and menu bars) appear.
To change the screen resolution:
Help & Support
For more information about adjusting
screen resolution, click Start, then click
Help and Support. Type the phrase
changing screen resolution in the
Search box, then click the arrow.
1 Click Start, then click Control Panel. The Control Panel window opens. If
your Control Panel is in Category View, click Appearance and Themes.
2 Click/Double-click the Display icon. The Display Properties dialog box
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