
Daily Operation: Checking Call Status, continued
Standard Call Statuses
Not Called Yet Person has not been called yet
Ans by Person Message was delivered to a person
Phone Was Busy Phone was busy on last call to person
Did Not Answer Person did not answer last call
Ans By Machine Message was delivered to members answering machine
Learned Machine Persons answering machine is unique and was
learned (will call back)
9 Was Not Dialed Delivery unconfirmed when asked to dial 9 (will call back)
Never Dialed 9! Did not confirm delivery after 3 call attempts
Max No Answers Line was busy or not answered for 15 call attempts
(FCC calling limit) or max attempts set by user
Not Selected Person is not selected for calling
Hung Up Early Call was answered but responder hung up before
message finished
If the following statuses appear, please check the phone number:
Call Failed! Error detected during call (check for disconnected/
changed number)
OGM Too Long Call was answered by machine, but its OGM
(outgoing message) was too long
Telco Message Call was answered with a telephone company (Tri-
Tone) re-order tone (disconnect/change)
No Connect No signal detected after dialing (phone number is
probably not valid)
FAX or Modem Call was answered by a FAX machine or modem
Member Reply
In addition to the above statuses, a number may appear to the right of the
status. This indicates a TouchTone
was pressed by the person during the call:
0 Indicates call was transferred to the Transfer Method you chose on
the Transfer Options tab of the Call Options dialog box (page 12)
1 thru 9 Meaning will vary depending on message. You may request that
the person respond to a question with any touch-tone digit (ie,
dial 5 to confirm that you will be at the meeting, dial 3 if you
would like someone to call you back, etc...)