11m: Snooze Alarm Operation
: This operation allows extra sleeptime-
. afterthe alarmison.Thealarmwill turn
. off bypressingSNOOZEuntilthe snooze
: period is over.Snoozefunction can be
. usedrepeatedlyupto 2hours.After this,
. thealarmwillturnoff untilthenextalarm
: conditionsaremet.Setthe"quiet" period
. asfollow:
: 1.Pressandhold SNOOZE.
. 2.PressREVo:::JorFWDr:::oto setthe
. "quiet" period(thedefault timeis9min-
: utes)from 1minute to 30minutes. Re-
. leasethebutton, thenthe "quiet" period
. isset.
SecondsTi~e Display
Theunit maydisplayinseconds.
. Whatyour warranty covers:
. .Defectsin materialsorworkmanship.
2.ReleaseREV o:::Jor FWDr:::oto return .
to the hourandminute display.
: For how long after your purchase:
. .Oneyearfrom dateof purchase.
. Thewarrantyperiodfor rentalunitsbeginswith thefirst rentalor45daysfrom dateof shipmentto the'
. rentalfirm, whichevercomesfirst.
: What we will do:
. .Provideyouwith anew,orat ouroption, arefurbishedunit. Theexchangeunit isunderwarrantyfor'
.-: theremainderof the original product'swarrantyperiod.
. .Proofof purchaseinthe form of a bill ofsaleorreceiptedinvoicewhich isevidence that the product .
: iswithinthe warrantyperiodmustbepresentedto obtainwarrantyservice.Forrentalfirms,proof of .
. first rental isalsorequired.
Brightness control
Youcanadjustthe backlight byadjusting
the BRIGHTNESS switchat the backof :
the unit, there are two modes you may'
select from:
. How to make a warranty claim:
. .Properlypackyourunit. Includeany cables,etc.,which wereoriginally providedwith the product. .
: Werecommendusingthe original cartonand packingmaterials.
. .Includeevidenceof purchasedate suchasthe bill of saie. Alsoprint your nameandaddressanda .
. descriptionof the defect. SendviastandardUPSor itsequivalentto:
High- Stronger Backlight.
Low- Weaker Backlight.
Thomson Inc.
Product Exchange Center
11721 B Alameda Avenue
Socorro, Texas 79927
. .Insureyourshipmentfor of lossordamage.Thomsonacceptsnoliability incaseof damageor lossen .
. route to Thomson.
. .Pay any charges billed to you by the Exchange Center for service not covered bythe warranty.
. .Anew or refurbished unit will be shippedto you freight prepaid.
. Whatyour warranty does not cover:
: .Customerinstruction.(YourOwner'sManual providesinformationregardingoperatingInstructions'
. andusercontrols.Foradditionalinformation,askyourdealer.)
: .Installation and setup service adjustments.
. .Batteries.
: .Damage from misuse or neglect.
. .Products which have been modified or incorporated into other products.
: .Products purchased or serviced outside the USA.
. .Actsof nature, such as but not limited to lightning damage.
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