Your Cooking &enter is cleaned two ways: manually L&
directions for cleaning, Be sure to follow these direc- %$#
and by using the atitomatic self-cleaning
tions carefully to assure maximum used your cook-
This chart describes parts of your cooking center,
ing center. NOTE: Let oven parts cool before cleaning
cleaning materials to use on each part, and general
Do not clean the bake unitOKbroilunit,Anysoilwill burn off
Bake Urrit and
when the unit is heated. NOTE: Thebakeunit is hingedand
can be lifted to clean the oven floor. If spillover, residue, or ash
accumulates around the bake unit, gently wipe around the unit
with warm water.
@Soap and Water ~~
Drain fat, cool pan and rack slightly, (Do not let soiled pan and
rack stand in oven to cool), Sprinkle on detergent. Fill pan with
Broiler Pan & Rack .’
Scouring Pad ;:
for a few minutes. Wash; scour if necessary. Rinse
@ Plastic Scouring ~~
and dry. OPTION:The broiler pan and rack may also be cleaned
Pull off knobs. Wash gently but do not soak. Dry and return con-
Oven Control Knobs
MildSoapandWater ~~
trolsto rangemaking
sure to match flat area on the knob and
Wash all glass with cloth dampened in soapy water. Fiinse and
Outside Glass Finish ~,
Soap and Water [~
polish with a dry cloth, If knobs on the control panel are re-
moved, do not allow water to run down inside the surface of
~: giass whiie cieaning,
Metai, including ~.,
Wash, rinse, and then poiish with a dry cioth, DO NOT USE steei
ChromeSide Trims ‘
Soap and Water ~-”~
wooi, abrasives, ammonia, acids, or commercial oven cieaners
and Trim Strips
which may damage the firrish,
Avoid cieaning @owders or harsh abrasives which may scratch
the enamei.
~ Paper Towel
if acids shouid spiii
on the range whiie it is hot, use a dry paper
Porcelain Enamel::: ~
Dry Cloth
towei or cioth to wipe up right away. When the surface has
@ So-apand Water :,
wash and rinse.
For other spiiis, such as fat smatterings, etc., wash with soap
and water when cooied and then rinse, Poiish with a dry cloth.
On this oven, ciean ONLY the door iiner outside the gasket. The
door is automatically c!eatied if the oven is in the seif-cieanina
Oven Door:;: ‘
and Water
cycie, if spiiiover or spattering shouid occur in cooking func~
tion, wipe the door with soaD and water. DO NOT rub or dam-
age gasket. Avoid getting soap and wa?er on the gasket or in the
rectancjuiar fianges on the door.
Oven Gasket’::
Avoid getting ANY cieaning materiais on the gasket.
Cooi before cieaning. Frequent wiping with miid soap and water
Oven Liner
Soap and Water
the time betweenmajorcieanings.Be sLIre b rinse
thorougniy, For heavy soiiing, use
your seif-cieaning cycie of-
(Men Directions)
Your sheives can be cieaned with the seif-cieaning function in
Soap and Water ,
the oven. For heavy soii, ciean by hand using any and aii men-
tioned materiais. Rinse thoroughly to remove aii materiais after
‘::Spiiiage of marinades, fruit juices, and basting m.ahxials containing acids may cause discoloration. Spillovers should be
wiped Upimmediately with a paper towel. Whenthe surface iscool, clean and rinse,