Q. Whydoes my oven automatically cut off afterthe
AUTO cycle when using Auto Cook Control Code 1
when it does not for other settings?
When using Code 1,there is no second phase of
minutes counting down.
All the cooking is com-
in the first phaseor AUTO.
If my food is not completely cooked after using
the suggested
Auto Cook Controi Code, what
shouid i
A. Thick starchy or dense foodsmay req’uiresome
additional time cooking. Use TIME COOK and
PowerLevel10for a few minutesuntil completion.
Q. Do
aii fresh or frozen vegetables require a
standing period after cooking with AUTO COOK?
Most vegetablesare cooked to a crisp“statedur-
ing Auto Cook, just as in reguiar microwaving.
Therefore, it is recommendedthat you let the vege-
tables stand for up to 5 minutes depending on size
and density of pieces. This standing time also en-
hances the overall flavor and appearance of most
Q. What
if i don’t fuiiy cover the dish in AtIto
Oven senses steam too quickiy which shortens
the cooking time thus leaving undercooked dish.
Recovertightly and resetAuto Cook,
Q. Do
the shapes and sizes of food make a differ-
ence when using Auto Cook?
A. Yes,
in some cases,iarger pieces wiil require ad-
ditional Time Cooking, Be sure to check suggested
arrangement of pieces in the dish, since proper ar-
rangement is often a succmssfuitip in reguiar micro-
fWXJid i USE?Ado (23A tO tx3dfp#dding Or
Most pudding and sauce recipes require stirring
many times during cooking: therefore, Time Cook is
recommended since you should not open the door
during the AUTO phase of cooking without aff@ct-
ing end cooking results.
Q. My
scaiiopecf potatoes were not completely
cooked when I removed the dish after Auto Cook.
What is wrong?
A. If you prepared the sauce in the oven prior to
combining the sauce with potatoes,there may have
been too much remaining moisture in the oven,
Make sure you dry the oven completely before us-
ing Auto Cook since this function operates properly
by sensing steam in the oven. Also, starting Auto
Cook with hot foods create~ steam in the oven too
soon, and decreasesthe first sensing cycle.
Are there any other foods which are best Time
Cooked, rather Man Auto
& Bakery foods, candies, melted chocoiate or
foods when a dry or crisp surface is desirable, are
cooked best by Time Cook.
Q. Do fresh or frozen vegetables require water
when using Auto Cook?
A. Yes.Add water as recommendedon chart to the
vegetables and cover weil for even, corpplete
Wouid my piastic containers with very tight fit-
ting iids beappropriate for Automatic Cooking?
A. No,
most types of plastic storage dishes, butter
tubs,etc.with tight ’fitting lids arenot recommended
for microwaving. Also tight fitting plastic lids may
prevent adequate steam from escaping and food
may not cook properly during Automatic Cooking.
C!. 1tried to warm some chow mein noodles using
Auto Cook. Why didn’t this work?
A. Foodmusthavesomemoisture in order to create
steam which helps the auto sensor function.
Extremely dry foods such as chow mein noodles,
potato chips and other such foods do not have
enough moisture.
Q. May i use
Auto Cook when i am cooking many
foods in more than one dish or casseroie?
A. No,
becauseof differoni food densities,attention
neededduring cooking, andfood amounts,
itis best
useTiME COOK when cooking manyfoods,
(2,Whywasmyroastnotfullyrooked even though
the temperature on the readout was correct and
Auto Roast compieted?
When cooking with Auto Roast,the temperature
probe must be inserted properiy as fuiiy described
in the Cookbook.
(1. Are there any parthdar trivets that work better
than others’?
A. Yes,
flat giass trivets such as iids or dish covers
give more even cooking resuits than piastic trivets.
Also, ceramic ridge-bottomed roasting dishes work
weli. Piastic trivets require meat to be turned over
more frequently because the grid design and iegs
allow the bottom of the meat to stay cooler as it
cooks,than glasstrivets do.
(2. Why doesn’t the roast car!tinue co~king during
the standing or holding thne?
The oven automaticallyreaches finished temper-
ature and then decreases to a iower power ievel to
prevent overcooking, Thus an even temperature is
Q. I entered Auto EX!frostCodQ 1, then the number
4 for 4 iba. cdchicken, The rwadoutflashed “Start’*
but when I touched $tarl “EF16K)F?”flashed. Why?
You must enter 4 and O denoting 4 Ibs. Touch
C1.EAF?/OFFand begin again.
“ERROR”will also
flash if an improper weight for that particular code
has been entered.