
Troubleshooting Tips.
Problem Possible Causes What To Do
Air conditioner The air conditioner 0DNHVXUHWKHDLUFRQGLWLRQHUSOXJLVSXVKHG
does not start is unplugged. completely into the outlet.
breaker is tripped. the fuse or reset the breaker.
used after the power is restored.
3 minutes) to prevent tripping of the compressor
overload. For this reason, the unit may not start
normal cooling for 3 minutes after it is turned
back on.
The current interrupter 3UHVVWKHRESET button located on the power cord plug.
device is tripped.
,IWKHRESET button will not stay engaged, discontinue
use of the air conditioner and contact a qualified
service technician.
Air conditioner does Airflow is restricted. 0DNHVXUHWKHUHDUHQRFXUWDLQVEOLQGVRUIXUQLWXUH
not cool as it should blocking the front of the air conditioner.
The temp control may ,QWKHCool mode, press the Decrease dpad.
not be set correctly.
The air filter is dirty. &OHDQWKHILOWHUDWOHDVWHYHU\GD\V
See the Care and Cleaning section.
The room may have been hot. :KHQWKHDLUFRQGLWLRQHULVILUVWWXUQHGRQ\RXQHHG
to allow time for the room to cool down.
Cooling coils have iced up. 6HH´$LUFRQGLWLRQHUIUHH]LQJXSµEHORZ
Air conditioner Ice blocks the air flow 6HWWKHFRQWUROVDWHigh Fan or High Cool and set the
freezing up and stops the air conditioner thermostat to a higher temperature.
from cooling the room.
The remote control The battery is inserted &KHFNWKHSRVLWLRQRIWKHEDWWHU\7KH\VKRXOGEH
is not working incorrectly. inserted in the opposite (+) and (–) direction.
The battery may be dead. 5HSODFHWKHEDWWHU\
Water drips outside Hot, humid weather. 7KLVLVQRUPDO
Water drips indoors The air conditioner is not )RUSURSHUZDWHUGLVSRVDOPDNHVXUHWKHDLUFRQGLWLRQHU
tilted to the outside. slants slightly from the case front to the rear.
Water collects in Moisture removed from air 7KLVLVQRUPDOIRUDVKRUWSHULRGLQDUHDVZLWKOLWWOH
base pan and drains into base pan. humidity; normal for a longer period in very humid areas.
Normal Operating Sounds
water being picked up and thrown against the
condenser on rainy days or when the humidity
is high. This design feature helps remove
moisture and improve efficiency.
compressor cycles on and off.
Water will collect in the base pan during
high humidity or on rainy days. The water
may overflow and drip from the outdoor side
of the unit.
The fan may run even when the compressor
does not.