
SmartCommand Thermostat
Installation Manual
Serial communication test
Connect the thermostat to a PC via an RS232/485 converter to a PC serial com port.
Note: Any RS232 to RS485 adapter used with SmartCommand serial thermostats must have automatic send data control.
To use Windows HyperTerminal, do the following:
1. Set up a direct connection session to the com port you will be using on the PC.
2. Configure port settings to 9600 baud, 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.
3. Under the Settings tab, go ASCII setup.
4. Set ASCII sending to Echo characters and No delays.
5. Set ASCII receiving to Append line feeds and Wrap lines.
Note: Serial ASCII commands are case sensitive.
Verify serial communication by typing the following command sequence:
A=1 R=1 <cr>
The Thermostat should reply with the R1 status message:
A=00 O=1 T=xx SP=xx SPC=xx SPH=xx M=xx FM=x
If you have problems communicating, check addresses and port settings.