
Before you call for service...
Problem Possible Causes What To Do
Clothes take too long Improper sorting
todr u
Large loads of heavy fabrics
(like beach towels)
Controls improperlyset
Lint filter isfull
Improper or obstructed
Separate heavy items from lightweight items (generally,
a well-sorted washer load is a well-sorted dryer load).
Large,heavy fabrics contain more moisture and take
longer to dry. Separate large, heavy fabrics into smaller
loadsto speed drying time.
Match control settings to the load you are drying.
Cleanlint filter before every load.
Checkinstallation instructions for proper
Make sure ducting is clean,free of kinks and
Checkto seeif outside wall damper operates easily.
Checkthe Installation Instructions to make sure the
dryer venting iscorrect.
Blownfuses or tripped Replacefuses or reset circuit breakers.Sincemost dryers
circuit breaker use2 fuses/breakers, make sureboth are operating.
Overloading/combining loads Donot put more than one washer load in the dryer at
a time.
Underloading If you are drying only one or two items,add a few items
to ensureproper tumbling.
Clothes are wrinkled Overdrging Select a shorter drying time.
Removeitems while they still hold a slight amount of
moisture. Selecta LESSDRYor DAMPDRYsetting.
Letting itemssit in dryer Removeitems when cgcle ends and fold or hang
after cycle ends immediately.
Overloading Separate large loads into smaller ones.
Clothes shrink Somefabrics will naturally shrink • To avoid shrinkage,follow garment care labelsexactly.
when washed. Others can be Some items mag be pressedback into shape after drying.
safely washed, but will shrink
in the dryer If you are concerned about shrinkage in a particular
item, do not machine wash or tumble dry it.