30 DBF Breaker Failure Protection GEK-106168E
Introduce the following settings in the relay (by means of HMI or GE_Local software):
General Settings Group Value
Relay Status IN SERV
Identification N/A
Frequency 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Phase CT Ratio 1
Neutral CT Ratio 1
Breaker Settings Value
Breaker Number N/A
KI2t Op. Mode Fixed
KI2t INT. Time 0.06s
KI2t LIMIT 99999
Active Table Set Value
Active Table 1
Function Permit Value
50BF 1P Function No Per
50BF 3P Function No Per
3P NO INT Funct No Per
50BF Settings Table 1 Value
PH Hiset Pickup 2A
PH Loset Pickup 1A
Neutral Pickup 1A
1 Phase Timer T1 1s
3 Phase Timer T2 1s
3P No I Timer T3 2s
BF Logic (3p/2P) 2 PHASE
Severe Fault 3P Per
Low Load 2P No Per
Nº Output Stages 1
Stage Timer 2s
Internal Arc Settings Table 1 Value
Int Arc Pickup 1A
Int Arc Timer 1s
The specific settings required for each test are indicated; other settings do not affect the tests.
Check that pressing the TARGET RESET button (with relay fed with rated dc power supply) all target LEDs light
The relay operates with a dc power supply within ± 20% of the rated value. Check that the READY target LED in
the front of the relay lights up showing green color.
1. Apply dc rated voltage to terminals A10-B10
2. Change setpoint FUNCTION PERMIT/50BF 1P FUNCTION to PERM.
3. Apply 2A to terminals A1-A2.
4. Energize digital input CC1 PHASE A BF INITIATE (C9-D10).
5. Wait 1second.
6. Check that the READY target LED in the front of the relay lights up showing green color.
7. Check the dc burden (see table below)