Features and Benefits
• 5-stagefiltration-Multiplefiltrationlevelsensurethatsoilsarenowherenear
clean dishware
Qualified - Meets or exceeds federal guidelines for energy efficiency for
year-round energy and money savings
• China/Crystalcycle-Lowertemperaturesareidealforchinaanddelicatedishware
• Electroniccontrolswith4cycles/4options-Moderncontrolsmakeiteasytoprogram
the dishwasher
• 2/4-HourDelayStart-Makesiteasierthanevertowashdishesatanyhour,washing
dishes even when the family's asleep
• QuietPower
57 sound package - 57 dBA - Advanced materials reduce the sound level
to just 57 dBA
• Piranha
hard food disposer - This disposal grinds food into tiny particles that are
easily washed away
• ModelGLD4500RWW-Whiteonwhite
• ModelGLD4500RCC-Bisqueonbisque
• ModelGLD4500RBB-Blackonblack
• ModelGLD4550RCS-CleanSteel
• ModelGLD4560RSS-Stainlesssteel
Specification Created 6/09
Tall Tub Built-In Dishwasher