Performance Data Sheet.
SmartWater Filtration System GNSV70RBL and GNSV75RWW
Using Filter FQSVF
■ This System has been tested according to NSF/ANSI 42 and 53 for the reduction of the substances listed below. The concentration of the indicated
substances in water entering the system was reduced to a concentration less than or equal to the permissible limit for water leaving the system,
as specified in NSF/ANSI 42 and 53.
■ Actual performance may vary with local water conditions.
Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or with water of unknown quality without adequate disinfection
before or after the system. Systems certified for cyst reduction may be used on disinfected waters that may contain filterable cysts.
Standard No. 42: Aesthetic Effects
USEPA Influent Influent
Effluent % Reduction
Min. Required
Parameter MCL Challenge Concentration Average Average Maximum Average Minimum Reduction
Chlorine — 2.0 mg/L + 10% 2.00 mg/L <0.05 mg/L <0.05 mg/L 97.50% 97.50% >50%
T & O — — — — — — — —
Particulate** — ≥ 10000 particles 4100000 #/mL 76500 #/mL 110000 #/mL 98.10% 97.30% >85%
Standard No. 53: Health Effects
Turbidity 0.5 NTU*** 11 + 1 NTU*** 11.0 NTU 0.1 NTU 0.1 NTU 98.80% 98.20% 0.5 NTU
Cysts 99.95% red. Min. 50000L 140000 #/L 1 #/L 1 #/L >99.99% >99.99% 99.95%
Asbestos 99% red. — 280 MF/L <0.17 MF/L <0.17 MF/L >99.00% >99.00% 99%
Lead, 0.010 mg/L 0.15 mg/L + 10% 0.150 mg/L <0.001 mg/L <0.001 mg/L >99.30% >99.30% 0.010 mg/L
pH 6.5
Lead, 0.010 mg/L 0.15 mg/L + 10% 0.140 mg/L <0.001 mg/L <0.001 mg/L >99.30% >99.30% 0.010 mg/L
pH 8.5
Mercury, 0.002 mg/L 0.006 mg/L ± 10% 0.0065 mg/L <0.0002 mg/L <0.0002 mg/L 96.60% >96.70% 0.002 mg/L
pH 6.5
Mercury, 0.002 mg/L 0.006 mg/L ± 10% 0.0059 mg/L <0.0002 mg/L <0.0002 mg/L 96.60% 96.70% 0.002 mg/L
pH 8.5
Lindane 0.0002 mg/L 0.002 mg/L ± 10% 0.00193 mg/L <0.00002 mg/L 0.00005 mg/L >98.80% 98.80% 0.0002 mg/L
Benzene 0.001 mg/L 0.015 mg/L ± 10% 0.014 mg/L <0.0005 mg/L <0.0005 mg/L >96.40% >96.40% 0.005 mg/L
Atrazine 0.003 mg/L 0.009 mg/L ± 10% 0.00873 mg/L <0.0005 mg/L <0.0005 mg/L >94.10% >94.10% 0.003 mg/L
VOC Reduction
Chloroform 0.080 mg/L 0.300 ± 10% 0.340 mg/L 0.00098 mg/L 0.00620 mg/L 97.90% 98.20% 95%
*Tested using a flow rate of 0.60 gpm (2.27 l/min); pressure of 60 psig; pH of 7.5 ± 0.5; temp. of 68° ± 5°F (20° ± 3°C)
**Measurement in particles/mL. Particles used were 0.5–1 microns.
***NTU—Nephelometric Turbidity Units
Operating Specifications
Capacity: certified for up to 160 gallons (605 l); up to six months
Pressure requirement: 35–120 psi (2.8–8.2 bar)
Temperature: 33–100°F (0.6–38°C)
Flow rate: 0.60 gpm (2.27 l/min)
Replacement Filter Canisters/Estimated Replacement Costs
FQSVF—Replacement filter canister $35–40
For replacement parts, call toll-free 800.626.2002 (U.S.), 800.663.6060 (Canada–English), 800.361.3869 (Canada–French)
Store or Seller’s Name
City State Zip Telephone
Seller’s signature
Customer’s signature Date
Maximum Permissible
Product Water
The water treatment device(s) listed on this certificate have met the testing requirements pursuant to Section
116830 of the Health and Safety Code for the following health related contaminants:
Do not use where water is microbiologically unsafe or with water of unknown quality, except that