Features and Benefits
• PureCleanwashsystemwith5-stagefiltration-Multiplefiltrationlevelsensurethatsoils
are nowhere near clean dishware
Qualified - Meets or exceeds federal guidelines for energy efficiency for
year-round energy and money savings
• SmartDispense
technology - Holds up to 40 oz of detergent and dispenses it at just the
right time
• SteamPre-Washoption-Steamhelpstoloosentoughsoilsbeforeanycycle
• Platinumsilverfour-positiondeep-tieredadjustablenylonrack-Upperrackcanmoveup,
down or diagonally for additional loading flexibility
• Electroniccontrolswith6cycles/5options-Moderncontrolsmakeiteasytoprogram
the dishwasher
• QuietPower
54 sound package - 54 dBA - Extra insulation keeps the kitchen extra quiet
• ModelGSD7400RWW-Whiteonwhite
• ModelGSD7400RCC-Bisqueonbisque
• ModelGSD7400RBB-Blackonblack
• ModelGSD7460RSS-Stainlesssteel
Specification Created 6/09
GLD74 0 0/6 0R
Tall Tub Built-In Dishwasher