
You can press Play, Stop, FF, Rew,
Pause, Mute, Vol Up, Vol Down, etc.,
on the remote and it operates your on-
screen MP3 player, PC-DVD player, PC-
CD player, or PC-TV Player, just as if
you were clicking the buttons on your
monitor screen. Note: buttons work dif-
ferently depending on which applica-
tion you are attempting to control with
the remote. For example, in Windows®
Media Player “Chan +” skips to next
track and “Chan -” skips to previous
In addition to letting you control an
MP3 player installed in your PC, the
BOOM program also lets you control a
DVD, CD player, or TV tuner installed on
your PC.
Boom automatically recognizes media
applications that are installed on your
computer and displays them as options
in the “Select Players” menu. However,
if your preferred media application is
not shown, you can configure it as a
custom application by right clicking on
the Boom window, selecting “cus-
tomize”, assigning your application a
name, and specifying the path to locate
the application on your PC.
For more information on using the
remote and Boom with your PC, right
click on Boom and select “Help.”
The HO97685 Remote is also a
Universal Remote so you can use it to
control a TV, DVD, VCR, cables box,
etc. To do this see the following sec-