Microwave terms. GEAppliances.com
Arcing Arcing isthe microwave term for sparks intheoven. Arcing is
caused by:
■ metalor foiltouchingthe side of the oven.
■ foil that is not molded to food(upturnededges actlike
■ metalsuch astwist-ties,poultry pins, gold-rimmeddishes.
■ recycledpaper towelscontaining small metal pieces.
Covering Covers hold inmoisture,allow formore evenheating and reduce
cookingtime. Ventingplastic wrap orcovering withwax paper
allows excesssteam to escape.
Shielding Ina regularoven, you shieldchickenbreasts orbaked foods to
prevent over-browning. When microwaving, you use small strips
offoilto shield thin parts,such asthetipsof wings and legson
poultry, which would cook before largerparts.
Standing Time When youcookwith regularovens, foods such asroasts or cakes
areallowed tostand to finish cooking or toset. Standing timeis
especiallyimportant in microwave cooking. Notethata
microwaved cakeis not placedon acoolingrack.
Venting After covering adishwithplastic wrap, you ventthe plastic wrap by
turningbackone cornerso excess steam can escape.
Term Definition
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