%x Baking Chart on Page 20.
When cooking a food for the first
time in your new oven, use time
given on recipes as a guide. Oven
thermostats. over a period of years,
may “drift” from the factory setting
and differences in timing between
an old and a new oven of 5 to 10
minutes are not unusual and you
may be inclined to think that the
new oven is not performing cor-
rectly. However, your new oven has
been set correctly at the factory and
is more apt to be accurate than the
oven it replaced.
How toSet YourRange
for Baking
Step 1: Place food in oven, being
certain to leaveabout 1-inch of
space between pans and walls of
oven for good circulation of heat.
Close oven door. During baking,
avoid frequent door openings to
prevent undesirable results.
Step 2: Turn OVEN SET Knob to
BAKE and OVEN TEM P Knob to
temperature on recipe or on Baking
Step 3: Check food for doneness
at minimum time on recipe. Cook
longer if necessary. Switch off heat
and remove foods.
How to Time Bake
The automatic oven timer controls
are designed to turn the oven on or
off automatic[illy at specific times
!hat you set. Examples of Imme-
diate Start (oven turns on now and
you set it to turn off automatically)
or Delay Start and Stop (setting the
oven to turn on automatically at a
later time and turn off at a preset
stop time) will be described.
How to EMhmnmkte Startand
Automatic Stop
NOTE:Before beginning make sure
the hands of the range clock show
the correct time of day.
Immediate Start is simply setting
oven to.start baking now and
turning off at a I.ate;time automat-
ically. Remember, foods continue
cooking after controls are off.
1:To set Stop Time, push
in knob on STOP dial and turn
pointer to time you want oven to
turri off; for example 6:00.The
Start Dial should be at the same
position as the time of day on
2:Turn OVEN SET Knob to
Knob to oven temperature, for
example 250°.
How to setDelay start
and Stop
Delay Start and Stop is setting the
oven timer to turn the oven on and
off automatically at a later time
than the present time of day.
Step 1:To set start time, push in
knob on START dial and turn
pointer to time you want oven to
turn on, for example 3:30.
Step 2: To set Stop Time, push in
knob on STOP dial and turn
pointer to time you want oven to
turn off, for example 6:00. This
means your recipe called for two
and one-half hours of baking time.
NOTE:Time on Stop Dial must be
later than time shown on range
clock and Start Dial.
Step3:Turn OVEN SET Knob to
Knob to 250° or recommended
Place food in oven, close the door
and automatically the oven will be
turned on and off at the times you
have set. Turn OVEN SET to OFF
and remove food from oven,
TIME BAKE setting may work dif-
ferently than they do at BAKE set-
ting, Carefully recheck the steps
given above, If all operations are
done as explained, oven will oper-
ate as it should,