Before Using Your Microwave Oven
Read This Use and Care Book
it contains detailed information on the operation and
recommended maintenance of your new Microwave
Oven. Once YOU have read the book, keep it handy to
answer any questions you may have.
If you have any additional questions concerning the
operation of your Microwave Oven, write—including
your phone number—to:
Consumer Affairs
General Electric Company
Appliance Park
Louisville, Kentucky 40225
contact the retail dealer (or builder) from whom you
purchased it. They have been informed of the proper
procedure to take care of such matters and can
handle it for you.
Before You Call for Service:
Check “Common Problems” section. (See Table of
Contents for page number.) It lists many minor causes
of operating problems that you can correct yourself
and may save you an unnecessary service call.
Need Service?
In many cities, there’s a General Electric Factory Ser-
vice Center. Call, and a radio-dispatched truck will
come to your home by appointment—morning or
afternoon. Charge the work, if you like. All the centers
accept both Master Charge and Visa cards. (See Fac-
tory Service Centers in Table of Contents.)
Or look for General Electric franchised Customer
Care@ servicers. You’ll find them in the Yellow Pages
Register Your Oven
It is important that we the manufacturer know the
location of the Microwave Oven you are now using
should a need occur for adjustments.
Please check with your supplier to be sure he has
registered you as the owner; also send in your Pur-
chase Record Card. If you move, or if you are not the
original purchaser please write to US, stating model
and serial numbers. This appliance must be regis-
tered. Please be certain that it is.
Write to:
General Electric Company
Product Service Section
Range Marketing Operation
Appliance Park
Louisville, Kentucky 40225
Record Model and Serial Numbers
Your General Electric Microwave Oven has a name-
plate on which is stamped the model number and
serial number. (See page 9 for location.)
Model and serial numbers are also on the Purchase
Record Card which came with your Microwave Oven.
Before sending in this card, please record the numbers
in the space provided, or get them from the nameplate
described above, and record here.
Please refer to both model and serial numbers in any
future correspondence or product service calls con-
cerning your Microwave Oven.
Model Number
Serial Number
Date Purchased
Steps to Follow for Further Help
First, ‘contact the people who serviced your m[cro-
wave oven. Explain why you are dissatisfied. In most
cases, this will solve the problem.
Next, if you are stilr dissatisfied, write all the details—
including your phone number—to:
Manager, Consumer Relations
General Electric Company
Appliance Park
Louisville, Kentucky 40225
Finally, if your problem is still not resolved, write:
Major Appliance Consumer Action Panel
20 North Wacker Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60606
This panel, known as MACAP, is a group of inde-
pendent consumer experts under the sponsorship of
several industry associations. Its purpose is to study
practices and advise the industry of ways to improve
customer service. Because MACAP is free of industry
control and influence, it is able to make impartial
recommendations, considering each case individually.
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