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OPM_LPS_3UO_30K_40K_0US_V010.doc Operating Manual LP 33 Series 30 & 40 kVA
2. d1 ÷ d7: Enabling time in function of weekdays.
For the weekdays from d1 to d7 (Saturday to Friday) the edit mode (edit day) allows to define time
intervals when the UPS is operating in ECO Mode.
The hour is given in 24-hour format.
These intervals are defined by:
ECO Mode START: the hour of the day after which the ECO Mode is enabled.
The ECO Mode is enabled until the following ECO STOP time is reached (the
ECO STOP time of the same day if this is later than the ECO START time, the
ECO STOP time of the following day otherwise).
ECO Mode STOP: the hour of the day before which the ECO Mode is enabled.
The ECO Mode is enabled starting from the preceding ECO START time (the ECO START time of the
same day if this is earlier than the ECO STOP time, the ECO START time of the previous day
Identical times for ECO START and ECO STOP maintain the existing mode only in case the previous
command was ECO START and the following command will be ECO STOP.
3. HOURS SELECTED: The number of ECO Mode hours per weekday (from d1 - Saturday to d7 -
Friday) is displayed in the operation mode parameter window (ceiling
To better understand the ECO Mode programming, some typical examples are shown:
Example 1
: For continuous ECO Mode set the ECO START times to 00:00 and the ECO STOP times to
23:59 for all weekdays, but almost 1 day must have 1 minute of VFI programmation: i.e
d2 - Sunday 00:00 to 23:58).
Weekday d1 - Saturday d2 - Sunday d3 - Monday d4 - Tuesday d5 - Wednesday d6 - Thursday d7 - Friday
ECO START 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00
ECO STOP 23:59 23:58 23:59 23:59 23:59 23:59 23:59
Example 2
: ECO Mode STOP before ECO Mode START.
ECO START 18:00, ECO STOP 06:00 for weekday d4 - Tuesday.
Means that on d4 - Tuesday the ECO Mode is active between 00:00 and 06:00 and
between 18:00 and 23:59.
Weekday d1 - Saturday d2 - Sunday d3 - Monday d4 - Tuesday d5 - Wednesday d6 - Thursday d7 - Friday
ECO START 00:00 00:00 00:00 18:00 00:00 00:00 00:00
ECO STOP 23:59 23:59 23:59 06:00 23:59 23:59 23:59
Example 3
: ECO Mode during the night and week-end.
If the ECO Mode must be enabled all nights (d3 - Monday ÷ d7 - Friday) between 18:00 in
the evening and 06:00 of the following morning and during all Saturday (d1) and Sunday
(d2), the corresponding parameters are:
Weekday d1 - Saturday d2 - Sunday d3 - Monday d4 - Tuesday d5 - Wednesday d6 - Thursday d7 - Friday
ECO START 00:00 00:00 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:00
ECO STOP 23:59 23:59 06:00 06:00 06:00 06:00 06:00