Specification Created 6/09
Features and Benefits
• PureCleanwashsystemwith5-stagefiltration-Multiplefiltrationlevelsensure
clean dishes
Qualified - Meets or exceeds federal guidelines for energy efficiency for
year-round energy and money savings
• SmartDispense
technology - Holds up to 47 oz of detergent and dispenses it at just
the right time
• DeepClean
cycle with Steam Prewash - Steam helps to loosen tough soils, like eggs,
oatmeal and rice
• Eclipseblacknylondeep-tieredrack-Durableracksaredesignedtoresistrustand
secure dishes
• SingleRackWash
selection - Perfect for washing glasses or smaller loads and uses
less water
• AngledRackDry
System - Rack allows dishes to rest at an angle, so water runs off
and drying time is reduced
• 8Cycles/6Options-Makesitsimpletoselectfromavarietyofwashcyclesand
• QuietPower
51 sound package - 51 dBA - An enhanced sound-deadening system
muffles noises and keeps the kitchen quiet
• ModelPDWF880RSS-Stainlesssteel(shown)
• ModelPDWF800RWW-Whiteonwhite
• ModelPDWF800RBB-Blackonblack
GE Profile
Dishwasher with SmartDispense