GE Profile
Stainless Interior Built-In Dishwasher with Hidden Controls
Specification Created 6/09
Features and Benefits
• PureCleanwashsystemwith5-stagefiltration-Multiplefiltrationlevelsensure
clean dishes
Qualified - Meets or exceeds federal guidelines for energy efficiency for
year-round energy and money savings
• CleanSensor
- A tiny laser measures soil levels and water temperature to adjust to the
ideal cycle time
• SteamPre-Washoption-Steamhelpstoloosentoughsoilsbeforeanycycle
• Eclipseblacknylondeep-tieredrack-Durableracksaredesignedtoresistrustand
secure dishes
• Electroniccontrolswith3cycles/5options-Moderncontrolsmakeiteasytoprogram
the dishwasher
• QuietPower
52 sound package - 52 dBA - An enhanced sound-deadening system
muffles noises and keeps the kitchen quiet
• Anti-bacterialselection-Cycleraisestemperatureupto151°Ftosanitizedishes,baby
bottles and sippy cups
• ModelPDWT180RSS-Stainlesssteel(shown)
• ModelPDWT100RWW-Whiteonwhite
• ModelPDWT100RBB-Blackonblack