%'$!" %>BB81;40DB4B ,70C)>>
;>C74BB7A8=: (><4501A82BF8;;=0CDA0;;HB7A8=: • To avoid shrinkage, follow garment care labels exactly.
• Some items may be pressed back into shape after drying.
• If you are concerned about shrinkage in a particular
item, do not machine wash or tumble dry it.
A40BHB?>CB>=2;>C74B <?A>?4ADB4>5501A82B>5C4=4A • Follow directions on fabric softener package.
AH8=638ACH8C4<B • Use your dryer to dry only clean items. Dirty items can
F8C72;40=>=4B stain clean items and the dryer.
;>C74BF4A4=>C • Sometimes stains which cannot be seen when the
2><?;4C4;H2;40= clothes are wet '66+'8after drying. Use proper washing
procedures before drying.
!8=C>=2;>C74B !8=C58;C4A8B5D;; • Clean lint screen before each load.
<?A>?4AB>AC8=6 • Sort lint producers (like chenille) from lint collectors
(like corduroy).
(C0C824;42CA828CH20=0CCA02C;8=C • See suggestions in this section under ())
$E4A;>038=6 • Separate large loads into smaller ones.
%0?4AC8BBD44C2;45C8=?>2:4CB • Empty all pockets before laundering clothes.
(C0C82>22DAB #>501A82B>5C4=4AF0BDB43 • Try a fabric softener.
• Bounce
Fabric Conditioner Dryer Sheets have been
approved for use in all GE Dryers when used in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
$E4A3AH8=6 • Try a fabric softener.
• Adjust setting to !(('. or "%.
(H=C74C82B?4A<0=4=C?A4BB • Try a fabric softener.
>;;0AB0=3F08BC10=3B )743AH=4BB<>=8C>AB4=B4B • Choose (%'.or )"'.to dry damp collars
BC8;;F4C0C4=3>52H2;4 C70CC741>3H>5C742;>C74B and waistbands. In the future, when drying a load with
8B3AH collars and waistbands, choose "$''..
(;867CE0A80C8>= )78B8B=>A<0; K Due to the metallic properties of paint used for this unique
8=<4C0;;822>;>A product, slight variations of color may occur due to
viewing angles and lighting conditions.
>>A8BC>>5>66HC>B44 (C40<2>=34=B4B>=8==4A3>>A K This is normal.
,0C4AB44=>=8=B834>5 (C40<2>=34=B4B>=C74B4 K This is normal.
3>>A0=3C>?>5;8=C58;C4A BDA5024B
(<0;;0A40B>=2;>C74B0A4 (C40<2>=34=B4B>=8==4A3AD< K Select a shorter cycle.
H2;4>A2H2;4C8<4B4;42C43C>> K Manually reduce cycle time for given cycle.