Advantium Oven
Problem Possible Causes What To Do/Explanation
Lightduringa Thisisnormal. • Thisisnormal.Theovensensesthe
speedcook cycle Power level has been heat level and adjusts automatically.
dims and cycles on automatically reduced
and off, even at full because the oven is hot.
power levels.
Lightvisiblearound Thisisnormal. • Whentheovenison,lightmay
the door and outer be visible around the door and
case while outer case.
Fancontinuestorun Theoveniscooling. • Thefanwillautomaticallyshutoffafter
cooking stops. when the internal parts of the oven
have cooled.
Oven vent emits warm This is normal.
air while oven is on.
Ventfancomeson Thisisnormal. • Ifthecooktoporovengetshot
automatically when enough the vent fan comes on.
oven not in use. (see Automatic Fan section.)
Fancomeson Thisisnormal. • Ifthemicrowaveisusedafter
automatically when speedcook and the oven senses
using the microwave. that it is too hot, the vent fan comes
on to cool the oven.
Theovenmakes Clicksandfansblowing • Thesesoundsarenormal.
unusual sounds are normal. The relay
while cooking. board is turning the
components on and off.
Fansoundchanges Thisisnormal. • Fanmayturnonoroffduring
while cooking. cooking to maintain cooking
Smokecomesoutof Foodishighinfat • Smokeisnormalwhencookinghigh-the
oven when content. Aerosol spray fat foods. Use vegetable oil or olive
the door is opened. used on the pans. oil on the meat itself instead of
coating the entire pan.
Foodisnotfully Programmedtimes • Increaseordecreasetimefor
cooked or browned may not match the size doneness or adjust the upper or
at the end of a or amount of food you lower lamps for browning.
cooking program. are cooking.
Ovenhasturnedoff. Themaximumcooking•Thisisnormal.Thecontrolwill
in Warm, Proof, or time of 179 minutes has automatically turn off the oven and
Convection Bake been reached indicate that cooking is complete
when the maximum cooking time is
The cooking time is not always
A cooking time was set for This is normal. The control will auto-
Convection Bake to start matically turn off the oven after one hour
after preheat and the door and idicate that cooking is complete if the
was not opened at the end door is not opened after preheat.
of preheat.
Use this