Chapter 3. Programming Site Data
58 Transport® Model PT878 Portable Liquid Flowmeter User’s Manual
3.10 Entering the Digital Output (cont.)
a. Press [ENTER] to open the drop-down menu.
b. Scroll to the desired function.
c. Press [ENTER] to confirm your selection.
Note: If you select Off, you will not be able to access any other parameters
in this option. If you select Test Points or Gate Input, the program
goes at once to Step 4.
2. The next prompt asks you to select the data source for the digital output.
The choices vary with the function. For Pulse Totalizer (shown in
Figure 31 on page 57, the available choices include:
• Forward Totalizer
• Reverse Totalizer
• Forward Energy
• Reverse Energy
a. Press [ENTER] to open the data source selection window, shown in
Figure 30 on page 55.
b. Scroll to the desired source.
c. Press [SEL] to confirm your selection.
d. The prompt then moves to a list of unit types. (The available units
depend on the selection made at the Data Source prompt.) Scroll to
the desired output unit.
e. Press [F3] (OK) to confirm your selection.
3. The last set of parameters that appears depends on the selection you
made at the Function prompt.
If you selected Pulse Totalizer:
The prompt asks for the units/pulse, the pulse width (in microseconds), and
the polarity. (Figure 31 on page 57 illustrates a Digital Output window
configured for the Pulse Totalizer function.) For the Units/Pulse and Pulse
Width parameters: