
Terminal designator descriptions.
R 24 VAC hot
C 24 VAC common
W Aux. heat
Y Compressor
B Heat active reversing
valve (RAK148D1 only)
Starting the thermostat.
CAUTION! Do not use air conditioning when
the outdoor temperature is below 50 degrees. This can damage
your air conditioning system and cause personal injuries.
1. Move the Fan Auto/On switch
to the Auto position.
2. Move the Function switch to
Cool or Heat, depending
on the season.
Testing the thermostat.
Once the thermostat is installed, it should be thoroughly tested.
CAUTION! Do not use air conditioning when
the outdoor temperature is below 50 degrees. This can damage
your air conditioning system and cause personal injuries.
Cool Test
1. Slide Function switch to Cool mode.
2. Adjust set temperature so it is 5
degrees below room temperature.
3. Air conditioning should come on within a few seconds.
4. Adjust the set temperature so it is 2 degrees above the room
temperature and the A/C should turn off. Note: There is a 3
minute time delay and a 3 minute minimum run time for the
compressor when it turns on/off. (On some models, the fan
may also have a 3 minute minimum run time/off time delay).