● Leaving clothes in dryer after tumbling stops. Immediately after dryer stops
tumbling, remove clothes and place them on hangers.
● Too many items in dryer. Dry only one washer load at a time. Do not combine loads.
● Too fewitems in dryer. If drying only one article, add two or more similar articles,
even if dry, to insure proper tumbling.
● Improper loads. Avoidlaundering heavy permanent press items, such as work
clothes, with lighter permanent press items such as shirts or blouses. Also do not wash
or dry permanent press items with regular laundry.
● Too many items in washer. Items must have room to move freely. Permanent press
loads should alwaysbe smaller than regular loads.. .no more than medium loads.
● Use of incorrect wash and dry cycles. Use permanent press wash cycle which
provides a cool-down rinse to minimize wrinkling. Also, use automatic dry cycle.
● Incorrect water level. Use large level for medium load; medium level for small load.
● Repeated washing in too hot water. Wash in cold or warm water with plenty of ‘
● Accumulation of lime scale due to use of carbonate detergents. If a non-phosphate
detergent must be used, avoidthe use of a carbonate-built detergent.
QFailure to use fabric sofhmer. Proper use of fabric softener will minimize wrinkling.
Toremove stubborn wrinkles—
1. Retumble on automatic dry setting with small load.
2. Rerinse and dry on automatic dry setting.
3. If unsuccessful, retumble on high heat for 10-12minutes and hang immediately.
4. Iron carefully.
5. Send to cleaners for pressing.
6 Some wrinkles may remain which cannot be removed?
*N- ~ you~11~ goodwry
proca~ @ pe&nent pressclothesstillcomeoutWfiIlkkd,the
finishmay notbe good quality.Also,inpermanent
press synthetidcottonblends,thecottonportionof
thefabric can eventually wear awayleaving only the synthetic. Since the mtton has resin ftish that
imparts the memory, aloss or decrease ofpermanent press performance will result.