
Important SafetyInstructions–sAvE THESEINSTRUCTIONS
Readauinstructions beforeusing this appliance
?VARNING—When usingthis
safetyprecautions, includingthe
e LJsethisapphm? only forits
intended purpose as describedin
thisUse and Care Book.
@Thiswasher mustbe propedy
installedand located
fmordanw with the Installation
Instructions before it is used. If
you did*notreceivean Installation
InstructIonssheetwith your
washer,you can obtain one by
contactingthe servicelocation
- Properly ground to conform
with all governingcodes
and ordinances.
- Install or store where it willnot
be exposedto temperatures
belowfreezingor exposedto
the weather.
_ - Connect to a properly rated,
protected and sizedpower-
supplycircuitto avoid electrical
- Connectto adequate plumbing
and drain facilitiesas described
in the Installation Instructions.
@Turn off water faucets when the
washeris not in use to relieve
pressureon hosesand valves,and
to minimizeleakageif a hose or
valveshould break or rupture.
~ When disconnectingthis
appliancepullby the plug rather
[ban the cord to avoid damageto
the cord or junction of cord and
pkg. Make sure that the cord is
locatedso that it willnot be
steppedon, tripped over or
otherwisesubjectedto damage
or stress.
~ Westronglyrecommendthat
any servicingbe performed by
a qualifiedindividual.
~ The wiringdiagram for this
control paneL
‘r-ominimize the possumy
of injury:
UIDo not mix chlorinebleachwith
ammonia or acidssuchas vinegar
and/or rust remover.Mixingcan
produce a toxicgaswhichmay
@Do not wash or dry articlesthat
havebeen cleanedin, washedin,
soaked in, or spotted with
combustibleor explosive
substances(suchas gasoline,
kerosene,etc.) whichmaygiveoff
vapors that could igniteor
Do not add thesesubstancesto the
wash water.
Do not usethese substances
around your washerand/or dryer
during operation.
@HYDROGEN GAS is produced
by the chemicalaction withinyour
water heater and the gascan
accumulatein the water heater
and/or water pipesif hot waterhas
not been used for a periodof two
weeksor longer.HYDROGEN
STANCES.So to preventthe
possibilityof damageor injury,if
you have not used hot water for
two weeksor more, or moveinto
a residencein whichthe hot water
systemmay not havebeenused for
some time, turn on all hot water
faucetsand allowthem to run for
severalminutesbefore usingany
electricalappliancewhichis con-
nected to the hot water system.
This willallowany hydrogengas
to escape.Of course, sincethe gas
is flammable, do not smokeor use
an open flame or applianceduring
this process.
* Neverreach into the washer
whileit is moving.Beforeloading,
unloadingor addingclothes,push
in the CycleSelectorknob to
“STOP” position, then waituntil
the machinehas completely
stopped before openingthe lid.
if this applianceis usedby or near
children.Do not allowchildrento
play inside,on, or withthis appli-
ance or any discardedappliance.
Disposeof discardedappliances
and shippingor packingmaterials
washeror removingfrom service,
removethe washer lid.
@Keepalllaundry aids(such as
detergents,bleaches,fabric sof-
teners, etc.) out of the reach of
children,preferably in a locked
cabinet. Observeallwarningson
container labelsto avoidpersonal
@Keepthe area around and under-
neath your appliancesfree from
the accumulationof combustible
materials, such as lint, paper, rags,
@Keepthe floor around your
appliancescleanand dry to reduce
the possibilityy of slipping.
@To minimizethe possibilityof
electricshock, unplug this appli-
ance from the power-supplybefore
attempting any maintenanceor
cleaning(exceptthe removaland
cleaningof the lint filter). NOTE:
Turningthe CycleSelectorknob to
an OFF position does NOT dis-
connect the appliancefrom the
Continued on next page