~Washeroverloaded.Clothescannotmove freely to loosen and.remove soil, causing
gray appearance.Follow correctloadingprocedures for size of load.
QImproper soakingwith insufficientdetergent.Usually a 30-minutesoak is sufficient.
However, when using extended so~aksfor heavily soiled garments, you may need to use
twice the recommended amountof detergent.
~Use of soap in hard water. Switch to a phosphate detergent,or follow six steps at the
bottom of page 18.
@Washingtoo long may result in increased soil deposition.Use shorter wash times for
smaller loads.
eDetergent dis~olvestoo slowly.Detergentmust be present in the wash solutionat the
start of agitation. See page 13.
@To restore grayed clothes, follow one of these procedures:
1. Put clothesin washer.Fill with HOT water. Check Manufacturer’s Care Labels to
determine if hot water is suitablefor garment.
e Add a non-precipitatingtype of water softener such as Calgon with phosphate—
use 2i/t times as much as you need for normal water softening.
~Do not use detergent or soap.
oA11owclothes to go through complete cycle.
@Repeat, if necessary.
2. If you prefer to use the Soak Cycle, see page 8. Use the water softener in place of
soak agent or prewash detergent and allow clothes to soak for about 20 minutes.
~Incompleteremovalofbodysoildueto constantuse of insufficientdetergent.Check
hemof T-shirtor pillowcase.If theyarewhiteandcenteris yellow,it containsbody
oil.Restorewhitenessfollowingprocedureson “GrayedClothes,”above.
~Chlorinebleachmayyellowsomefabricswithresin finishes.Useoxygenbleach
[suchas C1orox2 brand).RefertoGarmentManufacturer’sCareInstructions.Restore
uolorusingcolorremover(suchasRitor Tintexbrands),followingpackageinstructions.
$Iron or manganesein watermaycauseoverallyellowingor yellowspots.
1.Useextradetergentplusa non-precipitatingwatersoftenerdissolvedin waterbefore
2. Havea specialfilterorchemicalfeederinstalledin youhometo removeironand
3. Run hotwaterfora fcw minutesto cleanironresiduebuildupin lines;drainwater
‘I.Toremovespots:spreadstainedportionoverpan of boilingwaterandsqueeze
lemonjuice throughstain.Toremoveoverallyellow,use a commerciallyavailabler~~st
removet-,following package instructions. 1fporcelaindamagecan occur,do not
use in thewasher;usea plasticcontainer.
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