Z Series RO System by GE Osmonics
2.4 Product Water Analysis Procedure:
In order to ensure that the RO is performing at or above AAMI (Association for the
Advancement of Medical Instrumentation) Standards, it is necessary to perform an
AAMI Water Quality Analysis test. New RO must be operated and rinsed to drain for at
least two hours before taking a product water sample. This ensures the membranes are
free of preservative or other contaminants that would invalidate the test. Use a laboratory
and/or facility approved water sampling kit when preparing water sample.
There are many documented clinical risks in using less than AAMI Standard product
water (refer to Technote 103 "AAMI Hemodialysis Water Quality Standards").
Follow the procedures recommended by your water quality-testing laboratory if they vary
from the following steps.
1. Ensure that all pre-RO devices are operating correctly and are performance
verified by the appropriate testing.
2. Operate the RO unit with product and waste flows to drain for at least 15 minutes
after the product water quality has stabilized before drawing the water sample.
3. Hold the product line over the container and run product water for approximately
1 minute.
4. Aseptically remove the lid from the sample bottle and rinse the bottle twice with
RO product
5. Fill the bottle completely with RO product water and cap it immediately.
6. Fill out the laboratory requisition form. Ensure the requisition form has, at a
minimum, information to identify the facility, the serial number or facility
equipment number to ensure which RO was tested and name, phone number and
address of whom to contact.
7. Place the bottle and the completed requisition in the pre-addressed mailer and
mail it directly to the laboratory.
Total chlorine must be measured on-site. Tests for Chlorine/Chloramine (total chlorine)
are not typically reported on the AAMI Analysis. Chlorine and chloramine dissipate
from the water sample over time and reported results will be inaccurate.
1238339b – 16Oct03 2 - 8 Installation Guidelines and Instructions