Z Series RO System by GE Osmonics
Percent Rejection Display:
The Percent Rejection Display is a 5 LED panel mounted array that indicates how the RO
membranes are performing. The lights correspond to 99%, 95%, 90%, 85%, and >70%
rejection. The 99% light, when illuminated, indicates a need to evaluate the RO system
RO units do not normally perform in excess of 99%; verify this reading with an
independent meter and take corrective action if indicated. Some RO membranes will
achieve this level of performance under optimum conditions.
Product Water Total Dissolved Solids (TDS):
The Product Water Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) digital display indicates product water
purity in mg/L (ppm). It is temperature compensated to adjust the value of the display
with changing water temperature for better accuracy.
Less Than 0.5 mg/L Check System Lamp:
The Less Than 0.5 mg/L Check System lamp illuminates when the TDS reading is 0.5
mg/L or less. This indicates a need to evaluate the RO system performance.
RO units do not normally have TDS less than 0.5 mg/L. Verify this reading with an
independent meter and take corrective action if required. RO membranes may achieve
this level of performance under optimum conditions (good feed water).
Tank Level Controls:
The standard control is a float switch system. An indicator lamp is lit on the controller
assembly and the RO shuts off during a high tank level condition.
Tank Level Controls are used on the Indirect Feed style of RO. However, the Direct
Feed RO can be converted to operate off of a storage tank. Contact GE Osmonics
Technical Service department for details.
Override Switch:
The override switch is used to initiate RO unit operation during a high tank level
Auto Flush Timer:
The Auto Flush Timer is used to time the length of the automatic flush cycle. The timer
can be adjusted to increase and decrease the length of each cycle.
Alarm Set:
The Alarm Set switch allows the operator to set the TDS levels at which an audible
sounds and product water diverts to drain. The alarm should be set at twice the initial
TDS reading.
1238339b – 16Oct03 1 - 10 General Information