
Primary Controller: This is the
main device used to set up and
control your Z-Wave network.
There can only be one primary
controller and it must be used to
add or delete devices. A primary
controller can be a portable
device like a hand-held remote,
a static controller (permanently
installed & never moved), a
Z-Wave enabled PC or a Z-Wave
enabled Ethernet router/bridge/
Secondary Controller: The
Z-Wave network supports
multiple controllers so the
residents can use additional
Z-Wave remotes throughout the
home. A secondary controller
can not be used to add or delete
Slave: Devices within the Z-Wave
network are either controllers or
slaves. Most AC powered slaves
also function as repeaters in the
network, and when required,
relay the command signals to
the destination device. Battery
powered devices like motion
detectors are typically asleep
and do not function as repeaters.
Home Control Network: Your
controllers and every Z-Wave
device you have added with the
primary controller are linked
together into a wireless network.
Each device in your network has
a unique address assigned to it
and cannot be activated by your
neighbor’s Z-Wave controller.
Light/Node/Device: Node is the
technical term used to describe
a Z-Wave device in your home
control network. Please note that
the terms “Node”, “Device” and
“Light” all refer to an individual
Z-Wave enabled device and
are interchangeable within the
context of these instructions.
Group: Groups can also be
thought of as an area or zone.
Multiple Z-Wave devices can be
turned ON or OFF with a single
command when they are placed
into a Group. One example
would be Grouping your porch
light, exterior garage lights and
patio lights together so that they
could all be turned ON if you hear
a strange sound in the middle of
the night.