CLOUDINESS ON If vinegar or citric acid crystal rinse doesn’t work, the cloudiness is “etching.”
GLASSWARE The film cannot be removed.
It can be prevented: Use less detergent if you have soft water. Wash glassware in the
shortest cycle that will get them clean.
Water temperature entering dishwasher exceeds 150°F.
YELLOW OR Tea or coffee can stain cups. Remove the stains by hand, using a solution of 1/2 cup
BROWN FILM bleach and 3 cups warm water.
An overall yellow or brown film on dishes or glassware can be caused by iron deposits
in water. A special filter in the water supply line is the only way to correct this
problem.Your water softener company can tell you about the filter.
Yellow film on sterling silver results when you wash copper utensils in the same load.
Silver polish will usually remove this stain.
CHIPPING OF CHINA Rough handling can cause chipping. Load with care. Make sure glassware and china
are secure and can’t jar loose. (See Loading section for correct way to load glassware.)
Make sure tall glasses and stemware will clear the top of the tub when you push the
rack into the dishwasher. Always use the top rack for delicate items.
Use the CHINA CRYSTAL cycle for fine china.
SMALL AMOUNT OF Water around the outlet on the tub bottom at the back of the tub is normal. It is clean
WATER STANDING water. It’s there to keep the water seal lubricated.
WATER WON’T PUMP If the entire bottom of the tub has water, you may have a drain problem. Clean the air
OUT OF THE TUB gap, if you have one. (See Care and Cleaning section.)
Check the kitchen sink. Is it draining well? You may need a plumber.
If dishwasher drains into a disposer, run the disposer to clear. Be sure the disposer is
not clogged.
See the Display section.
SUDS IN THE TUB Sudsing detergents are not meant for dishwashers. USE ONLY AUTOMATIC
To remove suds from the tub: Open the dishwasher. Let suds evaporate. Add
1 gallon of cold water to the tub. Close and latch the dishwasher. To pump out
water, touch START then immediately touch RESET.
Repeat if necessary.
DISHWASHER LEAKS Suds can cause unit to overflow. That’s why it’s so important to use a detergent that’s
designed for automatic dishwashers.
Spilling the rinse agent can cause foam during washing. This can lead to overflowing.
(Wipe up accidental spill of rinse agent with a damp cloth.)