Operator's ManualThird Edition • Second Printing
Part No. 1000032 GS-1530 • GS-1532 • GS-1930 • GS-1932 29
Observe and Obey:
Only qualified riggers should rig and lift the
Be sure the crane capacity, loading surfaces
and straps or lines are sufficient to withstand
the machine weight. See serial plate.
Lifting Instructions
Fully lower the platform. Be sure the extension
deck, controls and component trays are secure.
Remove all loose items on the machine.
Determine the center of gravity of your machine
using the table and the picture on this page.
Attach the rigging only to the designated lifting
points on the machine. There are two 2.5 cm holes
on the front of the machine and two holes in the
ladder for lifting.
Adjust the rigging to prevent damage to the
machine and to keep the machine level.
Y Axis
X Axis
Center of gravity X Axis Y Axis
GS-1530 and GS-1532 49.8 cm 47.2 cm
GS-1930 and GS-1932 50.8 cm 49.5 cm