The Z-E-N Models Z-280, Z-350 and Z-470 headsets use Bluetooth
wireless technology to connect to phones or other devices, which support
the headset or handsfree profiles. While connected to your phone (Phone
Mode),you can make and receive calls usingthe headset,including using voice
control features if your phone supports this function. All models allow the
user to customize the receive phone audio using a 5-band Graphic Equalizer.
In addition, the user is also able to increase the volume level of their
transmitted voice. The Models Z-350 and Z-470 allow the user to plug-in a
PC, CDor MP3player intothe headsetto listento musicin between callsand
to use an 8-Band Graphic Equalizer to customize the audio (Hi-Fi Music
Mode). The Model Z-470 adds two L-E-A-P ( ocal nvironment udio
rocessing) Modes (L-E-A-P 1 and L-E-A-P 2) which allow the user to
carry onface-to-face conversationsmore easily in noisyenvironments.
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