
Do not use DuPont™ VELPAR® DF in low desert valleys
in California or Arizona.
Do not add a surfactant to VELPAR® DF when treating
nondormant alfalfa.
Do not use VELPAR® DF on gravelly or rocky soils,
exposed subsoils, hardpan, sand, poorly drained soil, or
alkali soils.
Crop injury, including mortality, may result in fields with
restricted root growth due to nonuniform soil profiles such
as gravel bases and clay lenses.
Do not graze or feed forage or hay to livestock within 30
days following application.
Do not use VELPAR® DF on fields with sandy loam or
loamy sand soils having less than 1% organic matter.
Do not exceed 2/3 lb per acre on fields with sandy loam or
loamy sand soils having 1–2% organic matter.
Do not exceed 2/3 lb per acre on seed alfalfa that has been
established for only one growing season.
Dry bulk fertilizer may be impregnated or coated with
VELPAR® DF for application to established alfalfa. All
recommendations, cautions and special precautions on this label
must be followed along with state regulations relating to dry
bulk fertilizer blending, impregnating and labeling.
If fertilizer materials are excessively dusty, use a suitable
additive to reduce dust prior to impregnation, as dusty fertilizer
will result in poor distribution during application. The dry
fertilizer must be properly impregnated and uniformly applied to
the alfalfa to avoid crop injury and/or poor weed control.
To impregnate the fertilizer, use a system consisting of a
conveyor or closed drum used to blend dry bulk fertilizer. Any
commonly used fertilizer can be impregnated with VELPAR®
DF, except potassium nitrate or sodium nitrate. Do not use
VELPAR® DF on limestone.
Use a minimum of 250 lb dry bulk fertilizer per acre and up to
a maximum of 450 lb per acre. To impregnate or coat the dry
bulk fertilizer with VELPAR® DF, mix 2 2/3 pounds of
VELPAR® DF with sufficient water to make one gallon of
suspension and thoroughly agitate. Direct the nozzles to
deliver a fine spray of this suspension toward the fertilizer for
thorough coverage while avoiding spray contact with mixing
equipment. Uniform impregnation of VELPAR® DF to dry
bulk fertilizer will vary, and if the absorptivity is not
adequate, the use of an absorptive powder may be required to
produce a dry, free-flowing mixture. “Microcel E” is the
recommended absorbent powder. When another herbicide is
used with VELPAR® DF, mix and impregnate the fertilizer
Apply impregnated fertilizer as soon as possible after impreg-
nation for optimum performance.
Select the rate of VELPAR® DF to apply per acre from the
appropriate section of this label. Then refer to the rate chart
below to determine the amount of VELPAR® DF that should
be impregnated on a ton of dry bulk fertilizer, based on the
amount of fertilizer to be distributed in one acre.
Rate Chart for Impregnating Fertilizer with VELPAR® DF
Fertilizer VELPAR® DF Rate PerAcre
Rate/Acre 2/3 Lbs 1 Lbs 1 1/3 Lbs 2 Lbs
250 lbs 5.3 lbs/ton 8.0 lbs/ton 10.6 lbs/ton 16.0 lbs/ton
300 lbs 4.4 lbs/ton 6.6 lbs/ton 8.8 lbs/ton 13.3 lbs/ton
350 lbs 3.7 lbs/ton 5.7 lbs/ton 7.5 lbs/ton 11.4 lbs/ton
400 lbs 3.3 lbs/ton 5.0 lbs/ton 6.7 lbs/ton 10.0 lbs/ton
450 lbs 2.9 lbs/ton 4.4 lbs/ton 5.9 lbs/ton 8.9 lbs/ton
For rates other than those listed, use the following formula to
calculate the amounts of VELPAR® DF to be impregnated per
ton of dry fertilizer.
Lbs Lbs
Per acre
Lbs Fertilizer Per Acre
Ton of Fertilizer
Uniform application of VELPAR® DF-impregnated dry
fertilizer is essential for satisfactory weed control. Accurate
calibration of the application equipment is essential for
uniform distribution to the surface. The recommended
method of application is to apply 1/2 the recommended rate
and overlap 50%. This results in the best distribution
VELPAR® DF is recommended for control of certain weeds
where the following species are grown:
Do not use VELPAR® DF on Christmas trees in the following
Alabama Louisiana New Jersey Texas
Arkansas Maine New York Vermont
Connecticut Maryland North Carolina Virginia
Delaware Massachusetts Pennsylvania West Virginia
Georgia Mississippi Rhode Island
Florida New Hampshire South Carolina
Apply VELPAR® DF as a broadcast spray in the spring prior to
bud break. If application is made after bud break, use directional
spray equipment to prevent contact with foliage.
Areas of greater than 20 inches annual rainfall - VELPAR® DF
may be applied as a broadcast spray in the spring prior to conifer
bud break. If application is made after bud break, use directional
spray equipment to prevent contact with foliage.
Austrian pine
Douglas fir
(western US only)
Grand fir
Loblolly pine
Noble fir
Ponderosa pine
Scotch pine
Sitka spruce