1. With a 19mm socket wrench, remove the three discharge valve plugs
(34). Inspect the valve plug o-rings (56) for wear, and replace as neces-
sary. Remove the valve spring (18) and valve cone (19) from the manifold
(28). Inspect the parts for wear and replace as necessary.
NOTE: Always take time to lubricate all metal and nonmetal parts with a light film of oil before reassembly. This step will ensure
proper fit, at the same time protecting the pump's nonmetal parts (elastomers) from cutting and scoring.
2. With a 19mm crescent wrench,
remove the adjusting screw as-
sembly (50, 56, 47, and 59).
Unscrew the adjusting screw
(59) from the adjusting screw
plug (50).
6. Next, remove the three manifold
stud nuts (39) with a 17mm
wrench. Remove the suction
flange (37) and flange o-ring
(38). Inspect the o-ring for wear
and replace as necessary.
5. Inspect the o-rings (56 and 47) for wear and replace as necessary.
Remove the adjusting spring (52), washer (51) and by pass valve ball
(49) from the manifold (28). Inspect the parts for wear and replace
as necessary.
49 51 52 59 47 56 58
4. Inspect the o-ring (36) for wear and replace as necessary.
Remove the kickback valve spring (64), kickback valve cone
(63), and the o-ring (62) from the manifold (28). Inspect and
clean the siphon injector and ball clean parts for wear and
replace as necessary.
3. With a crescent wrench, remove
the injector retainer (76).