8. From the back of the
manifold (#43), remove the
packing assembly (#'s 42,
41, 40, and 39) by tapping
assembly out from the
back to the front.
9. Turn the manifold (#43) over and remove the rear v-sleeve snap
ring (#36). Remove rear pressure ring (#39) , rear v-sleeve
(#40) and rear support ring (#41). These parts should slide
out with little resistance. If necessary, a screwdriver may be used
to pry outward. Replace all rubber parts and inspect the metal
parts for wear.
36 39 40 41
10. Note: The following
procedure is only neces-
sary if a stud bolt (#49)
has been damaged and
must be replaced. To
remove the manifold studs
(#49), place a stud nut
(#50), lock washer (#50A),
and second nut on each
stud. Tighten the nuts
against each other. Hold
the front nut with one
wrench, and remove the
stud bolt by turning the rear
nut counterclockwise with
another wrench. To
reassemble, turn the front
stud bolt nut clockwise.
11. To remove the ceramic plungers, turn the plunger bolt (#29C)
counterclockwise with a 13mm socket. Use a steady torque to
prevent ceramic plunger sleeve damage. Loosen and remove
the plunger bolt assembly (#29C and #29D) and replace the
seal washer (#29D).
11a. Inspect the crankcase oil
seals (#31) for evidence of
leaking. If there is oil on
the crankcase (#1) at the
sight of the oil seals, they
must be replaced. The oil
seals are replaced after
removing the crosshead/
plunger assembly (#25) as
described below.
Contact Giant Industries for service school
information. Phone: (419) 531-4600