
AP64D /AP64D-H Graphics Accelerator
n Anti-aliasing provides you with an overall higher quality video image with a slight
reduction in performance. When Application Preference mode is selected, the video
driver will useanti-aliasing only when an application requests it. When Always On mode
is selected, the video driver will force anti-aliasing on all applications.
n 2 Samples provides a higher sample ratio, which improves overall image quality even
further, with a slight reduction in performance. This also requires more video memory.
4 Sample provides a higher sample ratio, which improves overall image quality even
further, with a slight reduction in performance. This also requires more video memory.
n Dithering method when alpha blending will remove certain onscreen artifacts that are
sometimes produced when both dithering and alpha blending are enabled.
n Defaults restores your Direct 3D setting to their default values.
Color Properties
The Color Properties is used to adjust the color settings. It also allows gamma control for
video playing of the Video Overlay. The color settings affect all display devices mapped to
the view.You can change red, green, and blue display colors. Set Desktop and Video
Overlay brightness (gamma) levels can also be changed.
n Desktop brightness increases or decreases the
color brightness of you desktop. The higher the
gamma value, the higher the brightness and
contrast of your display.
n Overlay brightness increases or decreases the
color brightness of your video overlay window. The
higher the gamma value, the higher the brightness
and contrast of your display.
n Game gamma increases or decreases the color
brightness of Direct 3D or OpenGL games
played in fullscreen mode.
n Color Curve adjusts the selected color (red,
green, or blue) by moving the color curve with
your mouse.
n Default restores the color settings to the default