
- 44 -GA-K8VM800M Motherboard
CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright (C) 1984-2004 Award Software
Power Management Setup
ACPI Suspend Type [S1(POS)]
x USB Device Wake-Up From S3 Disabled
Soft-Off by PWRBTN [Instant-Off]
AC Back Function [Soft-Off]
Keyboard Power On [Disabled]
Mouse Power On [Disabled]
PME Event Wake Up [Enabled]
Modem Ring Resume [Enabled]
Resume by Alarm [Disabled]
x Date (of Month) Alarm Everyday
x Time (hh:mm:ss) Alarm 0 : 0 : 0
higf: Move Enter: Select +/-/PU/PD: Value F10: Save ESC: Exit F1: General Help
F5: Previous Values F6: Fail-Save Default F7: Optimized Defaults
Item Help
Menu Level}
Set suspend ty pe to
Power On Suspend under
Set suspend ty pe to
Suspend to RAM under
Power Management Setup
ACPI Suspend Type
S1(POS) Set ACPI suspend type to S1/POS (Power On Suspend). (Default value)
S3(STR) Set ACPI suspend type to S3/STR (Suspend To RAM).
USB Dev ice Wake-Up From S3
Disabled Disable this function.
Enable Enable USB device wake up system from S3 suspend type. (Default value)
Soft-Off by PWRBTN
Instant-off Press power button then power off instantly. (Default value)
Delay 4 Sec. Press power button 4 seconds to power off. Enter suspend if button is
pressed less than 4 seconds.
AC Back Function
Soft-Off Always in off state when AC back. (Default value)
Memory System power on depends on the status before AC lost.
Full-On Always power on the system when AC back.
Keyboard Power On
Disabled Disabled this function. (Default value)
Password Enter from 1 to 5 characters to set the key board power on password.
Keyboard 98 If there is a "POWER" button on your key board, you can press the key to
power on your system.
Mouse Power On
Disabled Disabled this function. (Default value)
Enabled Power on system by mouse event.
PME Event Wake Up
Disabled Disable this function.
Enabled Enable PME as wake up event. (Default value)