
BIOS Setup- 39 -
PME Event Wake Up
This feature requires an ATX power supply that provides at least 1A on the 5VSB lead.
Disabled Disable this function.
Enabled Enable PME as wake up event. (Default value)
Modem Ring Resume
An incoming call via modem can awake the system from any suspend state.
Disabled Disable Modem Ring Resume function.
Enabled Enable Modem Ring Resume function. (Default value)
Resume by Alarm
You can set "Resume by Alarm" item to enabled and key in Date/Time to power on system.
Disabled Disable this function. (Default value)
Enabled Enable alarm function to POWER ON system.
If Resume by Alarm is Enabled.
Date (of Month) Alarm : Everyday, 1~31
Time (hh: mm: ss) Alarm: (0~23) : (0~59) : (0~59)