
BIOS Setup - 26 -
First/Second/Third Boot Device
Password Check
Setup.Afterconguringthisitem,setthepassword(s)undertheSet Supervisor/User Password item in
the BIOS Main Menu.
Setup A password is only required for entering the BIOS Setup program. (Default)
System A password is required for booting the system and for entering the BIOS Setup
HDD S.M.A.R.T. Capability
Enables or disables the S.M.A.R.T. (Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology) capability of your hard
drive. This feature allows your system to report read/write errors of the hard drive and to issue warnings
when a third party hardware monitor utility is installed. (Default: Enabled)
Away Mode
Enables or disables Away Mode in Windows XP Media Center operating system. Away Mode allows the
system to silently perform unattended tasks while in a low-power mode that appears off.
(Default: Disabled)
Init Display First
graphics card, or the onboard graphics.
PCISlot SetsthePCIgraphicscardastherstdisplay.
OnboardVGA Setstheonboardgraphicsastherstdisplay.
PEG SetsthePCIExpressgraphicscardastherstdisplay.(Default)
Frame Buffer Size
Frame buffer size is the total amount of system memory allocated solely for the onboard graphics controller.
MS-DOS, for example, will use only this memory for display. Options are: Auto (Default), Disabled, 32M, 64M,
128M, 256M.
Onboard GPU
Enables or disables the onboard graphics function.
Enable If No Ext PEG
Activates the onboard graphics only if no PCI Express graphics card is installed. (Default)
Always Enable
Always activates the onboard graphics, whether or not a PCI Express card is installed. If you wish to set
upadualviewconguration,setthisitemtoAlways Enable.