Section 1.0 — Name goes Here
Section 4.0 — Appendix / Reference
c. Gear & Throttle Harness - These harnesses have grey & black (8 pos.) connectors on one end. These
route the gear & throttle to each engine and transmission. Unplug the 2 connectors that are plugged into the CP's connec-
tors marked STBD and PORT Gear STBD and PORT THROTTLE and plug them into their respective connectors on the
GTB Backup Box.
3) Backup Control / Enable Switch Harnesses - This harness has two wires strapped together. One wire has one
large black connector (8 position) on one end and a small 6 pos. connector on the Control head end. The other wire in only
stripped back so the installer can attach a switch and pilot light to it. This harness brings the signals from the backup con-
trol switches in the control head to the transfer box. It also, through the enable switch, turns on or off the Backup System
and also controls the backup system pilot light. Install this harness from the Transfer Box to the control station that has the
backup control head installed. Plug in this harness into the black connector on the transfer box marked Enable Switch.
4) Install the Backup System Enable switch and pilot light in the console and attach them to the Backup
Control/Enable Switch harness. (This switch and light are normally provided by the installer.) This switch needs to be a