WARNING: Do not use the Pro Logic to control an automatic pool cover. Swimmers may
become entrapped underneath the cover.
Two speed filter pump: Requires 2 relays (FILTER plus one of the AUX relays) for proper operation of both
IMPORTANT: Be sure to follow the wiring diagram below AND to configure the control logic
according to the instructions on page 22.
Lights: A ground fault circuit breaker must be used to supply power for high voltage pool/spa lighting. Low voltage
lights will require an external transformer. For lighting systems that have both a light source and color wheel, connect
the light source to the “Lights” relay and then connect the color wheel to one of the AUX outputs.
Hayward Variable Speed Filter Pump: Proper installation of the Hayward TriStar Variable Speed Control (VSC)
includes high voltage input wiring, communication wiring, and menu configuration/settings. Refer to the following
diagram for proper input wiring to the VSC. Wiring from the 220V breaker must connect through the Pro Logic’s Filter
relay. The Filter relay is used to supply input power to the VSC pump control. The relay will be on when the filter
pump output is on. When the filter pump output is off, the relay will be off. Note that when the filter pump relay is off
(power off to the VSC), the Pro Logic will not display errors or diagnostics for the pump. The filter pump relay must
be on for diagnostic function.
220 VAC input
Goldline pH Dispense Output: NOTE: The Pro Logic can only be used with a 120VAC pH dispensing device.
There are two Pro Logic versions that require different installation techniques. Pro Logics operating with a software
version less than 4.00 require the pigtail or pH dispensing device to be connected to an internal relay. Units using
version 4.00 or later have a dedicated pH output through the screw terminals mounted on the inside of the enclosure
(shown on page 10). Refer to the AQL-CHEM’s ph dispense wiring instructions that relates to your particular version.
External Input Interlock
The External Input Interlock provides a means to force the filter pump or an Aux output off when certain conditions
exists. A normally open or normally closed on/off external device must be connected to the Pro Logic as shown below.
After properly configuring the Pro Logic (see Configuration), the filter pump and/or desired Aux will be forced off
when the device is active.
SPST External Switch
(either Normally Open or Normally Closed)
Goldline Aqua Rite Chlorinator
The Pro Logic can control one or more Goldline Aqua Rite chlorinators when additional sanitizing capacity is required.
A 4 wire connection is used to communicate to the Aqua Rite and can be wired up to 500' apart. Any outdoor rated
4 conductor cable can be used. Refer to the wiring diagrams below for proper wiring connection to the Aqua Rite.
NOTE: There must be only 1 "primary" unit. All other Aqua Rite units must be configured as "secondary".
Lo Speed
Hi Speed
Pro Logic
Aqua Rite
Aqua Rite
qua Rite(s)
(if required)
Jumper Removed
For Secondary(s)
Jumper Installed
For Primary
(Factory Default)
NOTE: Primary/Secondary jumper is located underneath small circuit board.
Aqua Rite