PRodUCt sPeCiFiCAtions
PRodUCt sPeCiFiCAtions
8 www.goodmanmfg.com SS-GARUF
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dRAin PAn insUlAtion Kit FoR downFlow APPliCAtions
Chassis Size Insulation Kit
Small (15½”) DPI18-30/20
Medium (19½”) DPI36-42/20
Large (22”) DPI48-60/20
Note: Each kit contains enough material to modify 20 coils
Model Filter # Qty Required
1729/ 1824 FIL 18-32 1
1931 FIL-36-42 1
3030/ 3636 FIL-36-42 1
3642/ 3743 FIL 48-61 1
4860/4961 FIL 48-61 1
exPAnsion vAlve Kits FoR AiR ConditioninG And heAt PUMP APPliCAtions
Description Application
Outdoor Unit
XVB18-36C 20% Bleed Valve AC Only R-22 1½ - 3 Ton
XVB42-60C 20% Bleed Valve AC Only R-22 3½ - 5 Ton
XV18-36C Non-bleed Valve AC Only R-22 1½ - 3 Ton
XV42-60C Non-bleed Valve AC Only R-22 3½ - 5 Ton
TX2N2 Non-bleed Valve AC or HP R-22 1½ - 2 Ton
TX3N2 Non-bleed Valve AC or HP R-22 2½ - 3 Ton
TX5N2 Non-bleed Valve AC or HP R-22 3½ - 5 Ton
TX2N4A Non-bleed Valve AC or HP R-410A 1½ - 2 Ton
TX3N4 Non-bleed Valve AC or HP R-410A 2½ - 3 Ton
TX5N4 Non-bleed Valve AC or HP R-410A 3½ - 5 Ton