
7. Securing Your Child in the Safety
1. Make sure that the harness straps are in the proper slots for your child
according to section 6, Inserting the Harness Straps in the Proper Slots
(page 30).
2. Make sure that your child is dressed in clothing which:
a. Allows the harness straps to securely latch between your childs legs.
b. Keeps the straps on your childs shoulders.
Failure to properly secure your child in the safety seat/carrier increases
the risk of serious injury or death from suffocation or falls, or in the
event of a sharp turn, sudden stop or crash.
In a crash, the safety seat provides NO protection for your child unless
the harness straps are properly secured. Even when used only as a
carrier, make sure the harness straps are properly secured.
Follow these instructions carefully to properly secure your child.