6 309377
10. Thread the sealing nut (5c, 6c, o r 7c) onto the
extension (5a) or street elbow ( 6d or 7d), thread
the extension or elbow in at least three full turns,
position it for proper alignment, and tighten the
sealing nut. The PTFE seal on the sealing nut
must face the v alve hous ing. See Fig. 4.
NOTE: Theflexibleextension(6a)canalsobe
threaded directly into the m eter outlet without the
street elbow or sealing nut. See the note i n the
Parts Drawing on page 19.
11. Thread the new nozzle (5b, 6b, or 7b) onto the
extension, and, with an open-end adjustable
wrench, tighten it firmly. See Fig. 4.
NOTE: Only tighten the nozzle with the wr ench
on the flats of the noz zle bus hing. Do not disas-
semble the bushing from the nozzle. Disas-
sembly will affect th e performance of the nozzle.
Do not us e Graco’s old nozzle (Part No. 203655) or
any other manual shut-off nozzle on the PM5
extension. You must use the new automatic nozzle
that is provided with the P M5, or the meter could
be damaged. Do not use any sealant material.
12. Open all dispense position shut-off valves, and
start the pump to pressurize the system. See the
Operation section for proper oper ation o f meter.
13. To ensure dispensing accuracy, purge all air from
the fluid lines and dispense valve before you use
it. Set the system flow to the desired flow rate,
which is typically 1.5 gpm. Do not exceed a 5-gpm
flow rate.
hose fitting
Slide onto
hose before
Fig. 3
Model shown has
75_ bend rigid
Fig. 4
Nozzle is not s erviceable.
nozzle bushing
Proper grounding is an essential par t o f maintaining a
safe system.
To reduce the risk of st atic sparking, ground all system
components according to local and national electrical
codes. Refer to the user manuals for the pump and
other system components, and ground the following:
D Pump: Follow the m anufacturer’s recommend-
D Air and Fluid hoses: Use only grounded hoses.
D Air c ompressor: Follow the manufacture r’s recom-
D Fluid s upply c ontainer: Follow the loc al code.
To maintain grounding continuity when flushing or
relieving pressure, always hold a metal part of the
valve firmly to the side of a grounded metal pail, then
trigger the valve.