Setup Mode
312776F 27
Table 4: Component Software Versions
Display (may
vary from
examples shown) Description
EK (EasyKey) 3.01.001 EasyKey software version.
FP (Fluid Plate) 3.01.001 Fluid Plate software version.
BC (Booth Control) -.- Booth Control not installed, not detected, or not operational.
1.XX Booth Control software version 1.00 or 1.01.
2.XX Booth Control software version 2.XX.
C1/C2 (Color Change
Modules 1 and 2)
-.- Color Change Module 1/2 not installed, not detected, or not
1.XX Color Change Module software version 1.00 or 1.01.
2.XX Color Change Module software version 2.XX.
AK (Autokey) No Key No AutoKey installed or detected. System operates in 2K
Manual Mode only
2K-Auto 2K AutoKey detected. System can operate in 2K Manual,
Semi-automatic, or Automatic Mode.
3K-Auto 3K AutoKey detected. System can operate in 3K Manual,
Semi-automatic, or Automatic Mode.
XP (XPORT) V6.6.0.2 Example of XPORT network module software version. Other
versions are acceptable.
MC (Micro Controller) 1042.0198 Example of fluid plate micro controller version. Other versions
are acceptable.
Axx By Cz A30 B4 Cx Color Change board valve configuration. This shows the num-
ber of valves available for each of the components. This is set
by the configuration switches on the color change boards
connected to the system.
Code Description
- Component not available with this machine configura-
x Component not used with this machine configuration.
1 Component available but no change stack.
4-30 Component available with change stack.
Number of valves flushed with a solvent valve.
IP (Internet Address) Example of the address EasyKey is set to for basic and
advanced web interface reporting.
MAC (MAC address) 00204AAD1810 Example of internet MAC address. Each EasyKey will have a
different value in this format.