
Model Number:
Manufactured in:
Purchase Date:
2.1 Register Your Infant Restraint
Please fill in the above information. The model number and
manufactured in (date) can be found on a label on the bottom of
your infant restraint. Fill out the prepaid registration postcard
attached to the seat cover and mail it today.
Child restraints could be recalled for safety reasons. You must
register this restraint to be reached in a recall. Send your name,
address and model number/manufactured in (date) to:
Graco Children’s Products Inc.
150 Oaklands Blvd.
Exton, PA 19341
or call 1-800-345-4109
or register on line at www.gracobaby.com
Call the U.S. Government’s Auto Safety Hotline
at 1-800-424-9393 (202-366-0123 in D.C. area)
Graco: 1-800-345-4109 or www.gracobaby.com
2.2 Recall Information
2.0 Registration Information