Pump cycles but paint only
dribbles or spurts when
Pressure is set too low. Turn Pressure Control Knob to the right (clockwise) to
increase pressure.
trigger is pulled.
Tip is clogged. Clear tip. See your gun manual.
Spray tip is too large or worn. Replace tip.
Gun filter is clogged. Clean or replace In–line Valve fluid filter. Page 25.
Pressure is set at maximum,
but cannot achieve a good
Extension cord is too long or
not a heavy enough gauge.
Replace extension cord.
spray pattern.
Tip is too large for sprayer. Select a smaller tip.
Tip is worn beyond capability
of sprayer.
Replace tip.
Gun filter is clogged. Clean or replace In–line Valve fluid filter. Page 25.
Inlet screen is clogged. Clean debris off inlet screen.
Pump valves are worn. Check for worn pump valves as follows: Prime sprayer with
paint. See Priming on page 9. Trigger In–line Valve
momentarily. When trigger is released, pump should cycle
momentarily and stop. If pump continues to cycle, pump
valves may be worn. Replace check valves.
When paint is sprayed, it runs
Coat is going on too thick. Move gun faster.
down the wall or sags.
Choose tip with smaller hole size.
Choose tip with wider fan.
Make sure gun is far enough from surface.
When paint is sprayed, coat is
Coat is going on too thin. Move gun slower.
not covering.
Choose tip with larger hole size.
Choose tip with narrower fan.
Make sure gun is close enough to surface.
Motor is hot and runs
Vent holes in shroud are
Keep vent holes in shroud clear of obstructions and overspray,
and keep sprayer open to air
NOTE: This is a thermal
, or sprayer
eep sprayer open
o a
overload condition. Motor will
automatically shut off due to
Extension cord is too long or
not a heavy enough gauge.
Replace extension cord.
See Startup Hazard After
Thermal Overload on page
2. Damage can occur if
Unregulated electrical
generator being used has
excessive voltage.
Use electrical generator with a proper voltage regulator.
Sprayer requires a 120V AC, 60 Hz, 1500-Watt generator.
cause is not corrected.
Sprayer was operated at high
pressure with small tip, which
caused frequent motor starts
and excessive heat build up.
Decrease pressure setting, or increase tip size.
Building circuit breaker opens
after sprayer operates for 5 to
Too many appliances are
plugged in on same circuit.
Free up circuit (unplug things), or use a less busy circuit.
10 minutes.
Building circuit breaker opens
as soon as sprayer is plugged
Extension cord is damaged or
too long or not a heavy
enough gauge.
D Plug in something that you know is working to test
extension cord.
D Replace extension cord.
into outlet, and sprayer is
turned on.
Sprayer power cord is
Check for broken insulation or wires. Replace power cord if