
Technical Data
24 309475F
Technical Data
*Accessory Gauges Available
Category Data
Maximum Fluid Inlet
Pressure (Fluid Pressure
233814, 234260: 2600 psi (18 MPa, 180 bar)
233760, 233767, 233768, 233769, 233770, 233813, 234259, 234264, 234265,
234266, 234270, and 234271: 5000 psi (36 MPa, 360 bar)
Maximum Permanent Supply
Pressure (Back Pressure
233771, 234268: 2500 psi (17 MPa, 170 bar)
233772, 234269: 3400 psi (23.5 MPa, 235 bar)
Pressure Range 233760, 234266: 70-900 psi (0.5-6 MPa, 5-60 bar)
233767, 233772, 234264, 234269: 1300-3000 psi (9-20 MPa, 90-200 bar)
233768, 234265: 1300-4000 psi (9-27 MPa, 90-270 bar)
233769, 234270: 300-2000 psi (2-15 MPa, 20-150 bar)
233770, 234271: 600-4600 psi (4-32 MPa, 40-320 bar)
233771, 233814, 234268, 234260: 600-1500 psi (4-10 MPa, 40-100 bar)
233813, 234259: 600-3600 psi (4-25 MPa, 40-250 bar)
Maximum Operating Air
Pressure (Pneumatic
Regulators Only)
233760, 233770, 233813, 234259, 234266, 234271: : 85 psi (0.6 MPa, 6 bar)
233769, 234270: 75 psi (0.5 MPa, 5 bar)
Maximum Flow Rate See chart on page 26.
Temperature Range 233767, 233768, 233771, 233772, 233813, 233814, 234259, 234260, 234264,
234265, 234268, 234269: 32-194°F (0-90°C)
233760, 233769, 233770, 234266, 234270, 234271: 50-176°F (10-80°C)
Fluid inlet and outlet 233767, 233768, 233771, 233772, 233813, 233814, : 3/8 BSPP(F)
234259, 234260, 234264, 234265, 234268, 234269: 3/8 npt(F)
233760, 233769, 233770: 3/4 BSPP(F)
234266, 234270, 234271: 3/4 npt(F)
Air inlet 233760, 233769, 233770, 233813: 1/4 BSPP(F)
234259, 234266, 234270, 234271: 1/4 npt(M)
*Gauge port 233760, 233769, 233770, 234266, 234270, 234271: 1/4 BSPP(F)
Wetted Parts 233767, 233768, 233771, 233772, 233813, 233814, 234259, 234260, 234264,
234265, 234268, 234269: Stainless steel, tungsten carbide, PTFE, chemically
resistant fluoroelastomer
233760, 233769, 233770, 234266, 234270, 234271: UHMWPE, Stainless steel,
acetal, tungsten carbide, PTFE, chemically resistant fluoroelastomer