Service Electrical - 41
1.Install battery (H) using J-bolts (G), bracket (F), washers and nuts (E).
2.Connect the positive battery cable (D) first, then the negative cable (B).
3.Apply petroleum jelly or silicone spray to the terminals to prevent
4.Slide covers (A and C) over battery terminals.
Cleaning Battery and Terminals
1.Park machine safely. (See Parking Safely in the SAFETY section.)
2.Disconnect and remove battery.
3.Wash battery with a solution of four tablespoons of baking soda to one
gallon of water. Be careful not to get the soda solution into the battery
4.Rinse the battery with plain water and dry.
5.Clean terminals and battery cable ends with wire brush until bright.
6.Install battery.
7.Attach cables to battery posts using washers and nuts (H).
8.Apply petroleum jelly or silicone spray to terminals to prevent corrosion.
Using Booster Battery
A- Booster Battery
B- Disabled Vehicle Battery
1.Connect positive (+) booster cable to booster battery (A) positive (+)
post (C).
2.Connect the other end of positive (+) booster cable to the disabled
vehicle battery (B) positive (+) post (D).
3.Connect negative (–) booster cable to booster battery negative (–) post
4.Connect the other end (F) of negative (–) booster cable to a metal part of
the disabled machine engine block away from battery.
5.Start the engine of the disabled machine and run machine for several
6.Carefully disconnect the booster cables in the exact reverse order:
negative cable first and then the positive cable.
Replacing Fuse
One 20-amp fuse is located behind the seat area.
1.Park machine safely. (See Parking Safely in the SAFETY section.)
2.Remove defective fuse (A) from socket.
3.Check metal clip in fuse window and discard fuse if clip is broken.
4.Install new fuse in socket.
Burnishing the PTO Clutch
NOTE: The clutch will only require burnishing if a new clutch has
been installed.
1.Start and run the engine at 1/2 throttle.
2.Engage and disengage the PTO clutch five times (ten seconds on, ten
seconds off).
3.Move throttle lever to 3/4 throttle.
4.Engage and disengage the PTO clutch five times (ten seconds on, ten
seconds off).
CAUTION: Avoid injury! The battery produces a flammable
and explosive gas. The battery may explode:
•Do not smoke or have open flame near battery.
•Wear eye protection and gloves.
•Do not jump start or charge a frozen battery. Warm
battery to 16°C (60°F).
•Do not connect the negative (-) booster cable to the
negative (-) terminal of the discharged battery. Connect
at a good ground location away from the discharged
IMPORTANT: Avoid damage! Electric charge from booster battery
can damage machine components. Do not install negative
booster cable to machine frame. Install only to the engine block.
Install negative booster cable away from moving parts in the
engine compartment, such as belts and fan blades.
IMPORTANT: Avoid damage! When replacing fuses - use only a
20-amp fuse or you may damage the circuit.